Friday, August 24, 2012

Dominion over the enemy!

Many of us feel oppressed by situations, trials, tribulations and daily living. We wonder how we're going to overcome it. We feel heavily burdened mentally, physically by adverse situations, troubles, conditions etc. That is oppression allowing things to control us to have dominion over us. Oppression becomes so consuming that it will debilitate us. Oppression will cause us to stop living to stop believing that God has made us all to be over comers, conquerors through Him that love Him. The mind is fragile and Satan knows that if he can infiltrate your mind, he has dominion over you! He wants you to believe that God doesn't love you or that He has forsaken you. Not so! It is a trick on the enemy to cause you to feel that way.

The old saints would bind and rebuke the devil out of the mind because they knew the significance of keeping your mind stay on Jesus. They knew that if you kept your mind on good things and on the goodness of Jesus, he didn't stand a chance! The devil means you no good! His purpose his to kill, steal, and destroy! He wants to have dominion over you! But I have good news for you! You can take back your power and authority over your life! God word's speak plainly about us having  dominion. In Genesis, when God created the world, he gave Adam rule over the earth! When Adam sinned, that left us vulnerable to Satan vices. After Jesus came, died on the cross and was resurrected, we were redeemed by the curse of the law and given back our dominion. We are in a war for our sanity, our lives! It's time that we let the devil know that he no longer has dominion over us! God loves us so much and He only wants the best for us! Speak to whatever has dominion over your life and say with power and authority that you longer have DOMINION over me!

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