Saturday, July 14, 2012


I have started my weight loss journey...again.. Yeah, I know I'm one of countless millions who makes a New Year's  resolution every year to get healthier and fit. January is usually a good month to start. A new month, a new year, a new beginning, a new you.. Sounds like a great infomercial right. Like most people who's started their weight loss journey. I'm gung-ho in the beginning..hitting the gym 5 to 6 days a week, changing my eating habits with the customary no fried foods, sodas, blah blah blah.. Yeah this time is going to be different. I'm going to stick with it! I'm going to reach my goal weight! Nothing's going to stop me! Then one day you decide to take the day off. One day turns into two days and before you know it you're sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips and drinking your favorite soda.

That was me for fourteen years. Growing up, I never had a weight problem. Honestly, I was a pretty skinny girl. While many of my peers gained that infamous freshman fifteen, I held my weight. The turning point came my last year in college. I noticed a slight gain. I went from a size 3/5 to a 7/8. Well, the little added weight looked good on me! I was pleased. After graduation, I came home to three meals a day, started working and eating more fast food. When I met me husband, I was a size ten. Still sexy.. We dated and married then had our son. That's when the weight gain really began. For nearly 14 years, my weight held steady at........ At my peak, I was..... (No I'm not filling in the blanks. A lady has to keep some things to herself. :) ) In between, I started and stopped many weight loss journeys at a couple points losing twenty-five and seventeen pounds respectively. When I felt comfortable enough with someone, I would tell them my weight. They would be shocked and tell me that I carried it well. Solid is the perfect word to describe my weight. My self confidence plummeted and I detested shopping. Smiling on the outside but miserable on the inside.

So this year on my forty-seventh birthday, I decided enough was enough! I was tired of feeling like a fat girl trapped in a skinny girl's body. Along with some physical ailments (joint pain, shortness of breath if I walked too long etc., high blood pressure), I couldn't afford to keep going down that path. For the first time in my life, I made a REAL COMMITMENT to lose the weight and become healthier before my fiftieth birthday!! God has been too good to me to sabotage this beautiful work of art which he created!
With the help of my wonderful cousin whose training me for free, Sean T and Insanity/Hip Hop Abs, Zumba, and Pilates, changing my eating habits, and drinking lots of water, I'm finally in a good place where I am confident that I will do it this time!! I can't wait to see the end results!


Mrs.Eaves said...

You can do it Sis.....You motivate me, Im ready to start my weight loss journey too. So when your ready to train...Im ready to lose......I always felt like I was a pretty girl trapped inside of a FAT Woman body. Its time to make a change. Thank You...

Unknown said...

Very nice.....Keep it up....Did you say 47? Ok, if you say so....

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this! This is motivating for ANYONE that has set goals and then let dust collect off on them! Now that you have STARTED that means you have to KEEP THIS UP! Expecting more blogs soon:-)