Friday, July 25, 2014

To Pray or Not to Pray


Why do we find it difficult to set aside time to pray? Why do we find time for everything else but prayer?
Prayer is simply communicating with God, talking to Him, but more importantly listening for a response. Man talking to God and God talking to man. Oftentimes, we feel in order for God to hear us, we must pray for long period of times, and say a lot of big words. Not true. The primary purpose of prayer is to develop an intimate relationship with God. In a relationship, communication is vital. If there is no communication, the relationship will dissolve or die. So it is when we communicate with God, we learn of His way of doing things, what he wants for us and from us. Prayer strengthens, guides, and directs us to become STRONG EFFECTIVE Christians in other areas of our lives.
Luke 18; 1 says “And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not faint. The word ought simply means “having a duty or obligation. What does that mean to me as a Christian? I have an obligation or duty to pray! Prayer is our ONLY avenue that we have to communicate with God!
1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to “pray without ceasing”. At times, we find it difficult to set aside time to pray because of family obligations, work, and other things that keep us away from dedicating time to spend with God. Truth of the matter is we should stay in constant prayer mode. We need a consistent disciplined Prayer Life!!
No prayer is insignificant or too small for God. Seeking the face of the Lord (Psalm 27: 8) and being in His presence, basking in His glory brings us fullness of joy and peace. (John 15.11) We can pour out our heart to him. Psalm 62:8 says “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your hear before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.” There are times when we are distressed. We need to pour out our hearts to God. At these times, we find solace and reassurance in his Word that He loves us unconditionally!!
How should we pray?
1. Start with praise and worship. It sets the atmosphere for prayer.
2. Be specific with requests. James 4:3 states, “Ye ask, and receive not, because you ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lust.” Don’t pray all over the place.
3. Be persistent and don’t give up.
4. Deal aggressively with the enemy! Come to him in the name of Jesus and with the sword of the spirit. (James 4; 7)You cannot be afraid or timid! Stand in confidence knowing that Jesus is right there with you!! BIND, CAST OUT, and LOOSE something in its place (Matthew 18:18)
Believe by faith that God is going to answer your request. He might not answer it right away but have confidence that He will answer!