Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remember 9/11

Let's take a moment to remember and honor those who lost their lives on this fateful day. The world as we knew it changed forever on that tragic day. The events that unfolded will forever be imprinted on the minds of those who watched in disbelief as not one but two planes crashed into the Twin Towers and the eventual falling of the Towers. I was working for American Express Travel Related Services as a Corporate Travel and Quality Assurance Consultant and sitting in the parking lot before going inside when Michael Adrian Davis of 95.7 interrupted with breaking news that a commuter plane, which we later discovered was a commerical plane, crashed into the World Trade Center. I rushed into the building to find my co workers gather around the television. I was told that two airplanes had crashed into the Twin Towers. I watched in horror as the both buildings collasped. My immediate thoughts were that our country was under attack. This was it! Immediately, I called my husband, my son's babysister at the time, my mom and other family members and friends to check on their safety. As consultants, we had to maintain our composure and help our clients. We had clients literally stranded all over the world and for at least a week we could not get them home.

One of our accounts was The Gap and several of their representatives along with our division VP of travel had to rent cars and drive as far as California to return home. I have never experience such chaos in all of my life. Every airport from here to Anartica was shut down. The sky was eerily calm without any air traffice. We also had an office in the Trade Center and American Express lost several employees.This not only affected people around the world, but it certainly hit home for me. The travel industry took a major hit and a few months later my office downsized and eventually closed. Bottom line people stop flying.

It was amazing to see our country ban together for short period of time. To come to the aid of those in need, to understand no matter our differences, we are all Americans. I cried for those who lost lost ones, who never had the opportunity to say goodbye. I often wondered about those who those who perish have time to pray or repent to their Creator. What were their thoughts in those last fleeting moments? I know these are questions that will never be answered.

Quick story...We had a client who was flying out of Philadelphia on the very flight that crashed. At the last minute, he had a terrible feeling that something bad was going to happen and he asked to get off the plane. Little did he know that shortly afterwards the plane was going to crash. What an awesome God we serve to give us such discernment!

Please take a moment to reflect and honor those who lives were lost and their loved ones for a moment in history that changed the world forever.